Posts from February 2021

Azure App Service Lets Encrypt Renewal Failures and Resolution

Paying for certificates isn’t the done thing when you can get free certificates from Lets Encrypt. Free certificates from Lets Encrypt come at a different price and that is lifetime as the certificates are only ever valid for 90 days. If you’re still manually buying and installing certificates annually then you don’t want that four times a year so we automate the process end-to-end. This has been working perfectly since about 2018 for us, however, a recent alert about a certificate expiring made us sit up and look at this case of Azure App Service Lets Encrypt renewal failures and the resolution.

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One to One Call Recording in Microsoft Teams

Recording meetings of online meetings is a common occurrence to allow people to refer back to them later or to allow people unable to join catch up. A less common requirement is the ability to do one to one call recording in Microsoft Teams. Until now, the ability to perform the recording of one-on-one calls was governed by the same Meeting Policy as the ability to record multi-participant calls, however, this is changing and breaking out to a new, separate setting.

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Running a Static Website for Less than a Latte

Yes, you read that right. If all you need is a way to show a couple of static web pages you could run a static website for less than the cost of a coffee for the entire year. Although the focus here is a small, simple, and static website, you can apply the same logic to larger sites or even if you need a way to serve up static content over HTTP, not just a website.

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